educational adj. 教育(上)的;有关教育的。 the educational course 学历。 an educational worker 教育工作者。 an educational film 教育影片。 educational expenses 教育费。 an educational undertaking 教育事业。 adv. -ly 教育上,用教育方式。 -(al)ist n. 〔英国〕 1.教师。 2.教育学家。
cultural adj. 1.耕作的,开垦的,栽培[培养]的。 2.教养的,修习的。 3.文化的。 control 耕作防除。 cultural exchange 文化交流。 adv. -ly (a culturally advanced country 高度文明的国家)。
Joseph needham and cultural and educational exchanges between china and britain in modern history 李约瑟与近代中英文化教育交流
Its importance ca ot be overstre ed ; modernization needs it , and so do regular busine operatio , cultural and educational exchanges , etc . etc 它的重要性怎么强调也不为过:现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教育交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
Its importance cannot be overstressed ; modernization needs it , and so do regular business operations , cultural and educational exchanges , etc . etc 它的重要性怎么强调也不为过:现代化需要它,商贸活动需要它,文化教育交流需要它,等等,不一而足。
Under the theme “ retracing the footsteps of rong hong for his centenary ” , a cultural and educational exchange delegation of zhuhai students will visit the united states during the summer vocation this year 今年暑假,一支由珠海学生组成的文化教育交流团,将以"寻访百年容闳"为主题远赴美国
The mission of the foundation is to serve as a bridge for communication between china and the world through various international activities , and to follow up with cultural and educational exchanges 基金会的理事们多是留学回归的饱学之士,有教育家博士律师会计师,还有国内文教界的知名人士。
He came to china to investigate education , give lectures and engage in cultural exchange more than ten times during 1920s - 1940s in the 20th century , making great contribution to sino - us cultural and educational exchange in modern times 他曾于上世纪20 40年代10余次来中国调查教育、讲学和从事文化交流活动,为近现代中美文化教育交流史写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。
In order to further promote cultural and educational exchanges between china and european countries , premier wen also visited several world - renowned academic institutes including oxford university in the uk and the university of limerick in ireland 为了进一步促进双方在文化和教育领域的合作,温家宝总理还访问了欧洲的一些著名学府,包括英国的牛津大学和爱尔兰的列墨瑞克大学。
By hard study , the thesis draws a conclusion that monroe has exerted a profound influence on the educational development of china in modern times and made an unique contribution at the aspect of talents cultivation , educational reform , social transformation as well as cultural and educational exchange 通过研究,本文认为孟禄在人才培养、教育改革、社会改造和文化教育交流等方面都对中国近现代教育的发展产生了深刻影响,并作出了独特的贡献。