
cultural and educational exchanges中文是什么意思

  • 人文交流



  • 例句与用法
  • Joseph needham and cultural and educational exchanges between china and britain in modern history
  • Its importance ca ot be overstre ed ; modernization needs it , and so do regular busine operatio , cultural and educational exchanges , etc . etc
  • Its importance cannot be overstressed ; modernization needs it , and so do regular business operations , cultural and educational exchanges , etc . etc
  • Under the theme “ retracing the footsteps of rong hong for his centenary ” , a cultural and educational exchange delegation of zhuhai students will visit the united states during the summer vocation this year
  • The mission of the foundation is to serve as a bridge for communication between china and the world through various international activities , and to follow up with cultural and educational exchanges
  • He came to china to investigate education , give lectures and engage in cultural exchange more than ten times during 1920s - 1940s in the 20th century , making great contribution to sino - us cultural and educational exchange in modern times
    他曾于上世纪20 40年代10余次来中国调查教育、讲学和从事文化交流活动,为近现代中美文化教育交流史写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。
  • In order to further promote cultural and educational exchanges between china and european countries , premier wen also visited several world - renowned academic institutes including oxford university in the uk and the university of limerick in ireland
  • By hard study , the thesis draws a conclusion that monroe has exerted a profound influence on the educational development of china in modern times and made an unique contribution at the aspect of talents cultivation , educational reform , social transformation as well as cultural and educational exchange
  • 推荐英语阅读
cultural and educational exchanges的中文翻译,cultural and educational exchanges是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译cultural and educational exchanges,cultural and educational exchanges的中文意思,cultural and educational exchanges的中文cultural and educational exchanges in Chinesecultural and educational exchanges的中文cultural and educational exchanges怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
